Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Here come the charlatans

It doesn’t take long for the rip-off merchants to get in on any thing they can make money from. Now we have people selling pendulums and psychic crystals by using the Law of Attraction as an excuse. Soon there’ll be Tarot cards and “your future revealed” hype making a claim to scientific validity.

Can you see it?

“This power packed 6 week course to effortlessly change your life can be yours! Backed by data from the lost writings of Professor Ripemoff, head of quantum archaeology research at the University of Neanderglob in Loopyga. Learn the Hidden Secrets of the Ancients. Avalanches of Wealth, Romance, Good Luck, flood your life to the envy of all your new friends. Never be lonely again in the arms of your lover as you cruise the islands till sunset. Send only $167 for this unbelievable offer. But be quick! This definitely won’t last! “

That’s the type of CRAP they insult you with. Sadly, some people fall for it. Those who do fall for it, need protecting or to be taught.

That is one purpose of this blog. It’s to make it easier to live by learning skills we can all learn but maybe not know about. It’s to clear the cobwebs of ignorance.

It’s to help prevent naïve people succumbing to the rip-offs of these cretins.

Pendulum Power will not replace informed decisions. You are the master of your destiny.

The I Ching does not know how to direct your life. You are the master of your life.

Tarot cards will not tell your future. You make your future with your beliefs and actions.

Anything can be ‘proven’ by numbers. Numerology is a farce. Look deeply enough and numerical ‘proof’ can be made for any belief.

Do not believe this junk!


A ‘hidden message’ can be found in any large enough text. The Bibles’ secret code can be found in Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’ or Melville’s ‘Moby Dick’. You can find ‘Elvis Presley is dead’ or ‘King Kong likes blonds’ in the Koran.

“You’ve got to believe in something.” is a stock sentence from a misled friend who believes in all sorts of rubbish. I keep telling him to believe in the truth.

Investigate! Test what you are told. Someone said there were invisible little critters passing on infections from patient to patient after surgery. She was laughed at as being off the rails. But someone tested it. Now I don’t have to tell you about hygiene.

There could be fairies in the garden. People of various cultures have spoken of Nature Spirits etc for a long time, but I don’t know how to test it so it remains a theory to me. I’m not going to believe it just because I’ve been told.

Recently a woman I have some respect for sent this…I’m not of the Muslim faith so don’t make an unfounded assumption…

“The following verse is from the Koran, (the Islamic Bible)

Koran (9:11 ) - For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah;

and there was peace.”

Well, I looked up the reference.

There is no such thing as 9:11. As with all chapters, there is just Chapter 9. So there goes the magic number. In the 21 pages with notes, there is no mention anywhere of an Eagle. The entire thing is a lie.

Whoever wrote this is a liar. He/she may be a Patriotic Christian American but still a liar. Whoever didn’t investigate this is being misled.

How many lies do you believe?

How much do you toss away without any consideration?

Do you toss away fact because somebody lied to you?

Are you acting on false beliefs?


Challenging mental decay in old age is a process that should begin now. Listening to new ideas and keeping an open attitude to change is vital to your well being later in life. Analyze what you are told. Being prepared to think that there could be invisible little critters that transmit diseases, or trying to test if there are really plant fairies (?) is ensuring you will still have an active mind when others of similar age become vulnerable.

You can change your latter life now by exercising body and mind now. Remember, it’s a lot harder to get back in shape than to stay in shape.

YOU, ONLY YOU Can Change Your Life.

You are where you are because of your’ doing! (or Not doing) You can be anywhere you want if you decide to, then take steps to get there.

You may need help at the start so get it. Stuff those excuses into a bin.

Get up from this monitor and do five or ten squats to exercise your legs. Go on; do it now. If you do; you’ve made a start. It’s as simple as that!

If you did do that just now; you feel happier, don’t you? Yes. Yes, Yes.

Now start to get some real advice, not by making some pendulum power prophet richer. By the way; I’ve got this bridge you might like to buy …


Wit or Wisdom.

“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge…” Charles Darwin

"It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." - Thomas Jefferson

Contributions are welcome. Would you like to write a paragraph each week? Email to iqadult@gmail.com

Jay Ross.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


One of the greatest tools you can have is impartial self observation. This means looking at what you do from an outsiders’ point of view and understanding why. Even the lightest application of this, done honestly, is a boon. See why you did that, or want that, or are as you are.

Motive comes into it and you may discover a lot about why you behave in a particular way. There are deep reasons why we act. Some are to get sympathy, some to establish our importance, some to be mothered or be dominated. Seeing these motives is not always easy.

There will be times when you can’t explain your actions. Analyze these as an observer. Use your intellect to look at your emotions. If you can do this impartially you’ll discover so much about yourself. Some of it will hurt but you are doing this to become more complete. Knowing yourself is the keystone to knowing others.

Inside you is that essential “I” that was born. It doesn’t change. That ‘real you’ can see the scars and qualities of what you have responded to over the early years of your life. It watches how you deal with the influences of your environment, successes and failures, parents, friends, or those who harm you.

Don’t blame anyone. People who do harm are simply still lost. They haven’t seen yet.

Once that knowing starts to build, your self respect and respect for others will start to grow. You can’t really know anybody without knowing yourself. “Know Thyself” is one of the oldest teachings.

Your self respect is basic to how you treat others. An angry person, who can’t identify the cause of their anger, and deal with it, treats others with disrespect. Most of the time the person we’re angry with, has done something without malice or even nothing at all. The worker who comes home and lets his anger out on his partner is an example.

Children don’t know. They may wash your laptop in the sink, thinking you’ll be pleased. What can you do? Anger won’t bring it back. Why did the child have access to it? Why was the child alone? Have you backed up your files? It could have been stolen or lost. The result would be the same.

We get bashing of children even leading to death because the child was crying too much or kept making a mess with its food.
Somebody may ‘snap’ over an otherwise casual remark by a partner or fellow worker.
Hospitalization or worse can follow a minor road incident or next doors’ loud TV.
The person who does this has lost control.

Defeating emotional impulses needn’t be long struggle. It just means realizing that you have been influenced by the things you were taught. It’s your job as an adult to clean out the dross that hurts, or is in conflict with what you really feel.

Self observation is part of emotional intelligence. Your IQ is not only a genetic thing. Adaptability and intelligence are linked. Adaptability is learned through self observation.

Intelligence does mean being in control of your body, mind and emotions. You won’t gain control unless you observe how and why you do things.

Being a slave to emotions is not smart. Every time you react instantly, you’re showing a conditioned response. When you start to see this, you’ll see how easy it is for others to use you, or how others won’t go there because they’re afraid of your response.

When you fully realize it, you’ll see others with the same characteristics. You may wonder how they don’t see it too, just like you didn’t.

When you do know; it’s very obvious. I think it was Cary Grant, the actor, who tried an LSD trip under controlled conditions back in the late ‘60s, early ‘70s. He is reported as saying, “Now I know why I hurt every woman I ever loved.”

This is not an endorsement of LSD or similar psychotropic drugs. It was under controlled conditions. The drug helped him see an inner fault/need that drove him.

All of us have these unresolved needs that make us operate in certain ways. Seeing them yourself is sometimes painful but always liberating.

Becoming a complete person is a learning thing; often an un-learning process to rid us of falsehoods we were taught. You’re intellectually and emotionally sound if you can change beliefs when you find them to be wrong. Blindly holding on only leads to more pain.

When we talk about IQ we are only talking about the processes of clear logical thinking. But we are not simply a data base. Decisions are made with the influence of emotions. We should talk about EQ as well.

Your Emotional Quotient takes into account how you take responsibility or let go of responsibility, giving and receiving, ability to lead or follow well, how you dominate or accept dominance or rules.

You’ll only understand all this if you are self aware, observe yourself, be introspective, see why a need is there.


I’m trying to get this auto-responder working so you can get instant info articles and eBooks quickly. Can anybody help with auto-responders? I’m at iqadult@gmail.com

Would you like to contribute a paragraph or two each week? Mail me.


Wit or Wisdom.

Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.

Obstacles always look bigger coming than going.


Visit the NEW SITE – IQChildren.blogspot.com It has just been born. If you like it as a baby, tell some friends but if not please email iqchildren@gmail.com with constructive comment. Your input is welcome here too.

If you see someone without a smile today, give them one of yours.
Jay Ross.