Saturday, May 26, 2007

Law of Attraction - money.

Let’s get a bit more serious about the Secret. My previous post gave you a link to see the movie and said to also go to “How to Manifest…” Here is the link. It’s a 24 minute video. You’ll benefit from it. Go there now then return for comment.

Ok? The guy seems genuine and further investigation has won me. But there is something I disagree about in the film. His disdain of money should be clarified.

Money is necessary. It’s easy to get, using the law of attraction, provided your motive is just. Remember this is about thought. What he’s talking about is acquiring money for its own end -- greed, self aggrandizement, selfishness.

The good Samaritan of the Bible was able to help because he was wealthy. So don’t knock the value of money, just check why you want it – your motive.

There is a limit to how much you need. You don’t need three stereos in each room. You can only sleep in one bed at a time. More is just waste. If you’ve got more than you can use, spread it around. Help somebody.

The Law of Attraction is not new. Its previous big revival was in the 1960s with “New Age” thinking, vibes etc. There were so many books on Cosmic Mind Power, Cosmic Law, Mystic Path to the Infinite, At One with the Universe. The terminology has changed a little but the message is the same.

Basically it seems like “like attracts like” but it’s a matter of faith in action. We’re aware what religions say about faith. It’s virtually “Ask and ye shall receive”. Look at John 14 in the Bible. It says all this and more you will do.

The attitude in your mind determines what happens to you. You are what you mentally eat. Your imagination is the building material.

The subconscious will accept and act upon any belief you give it.

It’s easy enough to prove. Just do it.

That doesn’t mean to wish for a million dollars in your letterbox tomorrow morning. As the makers of “The Secret” said on Oprah, it involves “thoughts, feelings and actions”.

The Biblical statement is to ask in “my name”. This presupposes faith—thoughts, feelings, belief. If you believe, have faith, without doubt, it will work. When that happens you will act differently, thereby fulfilling the requirements.

What the law of attraction teaches is the same thing. Instead of Jesus, Muhammad, the Great Pumpkin or whatever deity you believe in, it says you can do this yourself. That is not detracting from your religious beliefs. It’s simply saying this works regardless of your explanation for how it works.

It seems to be that he sun rises and sets. It doesn’t. You can argue the point, saying any fool can see it does. It certainly seems that way but it’s only relative to your position- your viewpoint.

You can say that Ra drives his fiery chariot across the sky every morning till night or accept that the sun’s light gets to your part of the planet because the Earth revolves once in 24 hours while orbiting the sun.

Your religious focus, icon, symbol, serves the same purpose as a mandala.

You must first know what you want and your motive behind wanting it. Your faith, full belief, without doubting, will set the wheels turning. Now build in action. Actively set about preparing for the result.

If you want to be free of debt and on the road to a healthy financial future; start being that way. Prepare for it. Get free help from the many good people who offer it via the net or in person via charitable organizations in your area.

Start looking richer in a way you can afford. Wear your good clothing; keep well groomed. Your new life is here. You only have to change into it. Use your imagination. It IS the stuff of life.

Great thinkers as diverse as William Blake and Albert Einstein have said that the imagination is everything. Emerson said, “A man is what he thinks.” Aristotle and Plato wrote of it. Mark Twain said that life is a sum of the thoughts flowing through one’s head.

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” – William James.

“We are what we think. All that we are, arises with our thoughts, we make our world.”- Buddha. “… believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”- Jesus.

It’s easy to fill a page with similar quotes but why, when you can prove it for yourself. You ARE already using this force. You have made your life. All you need to do is realize it and start using it in a conscious manner. Direct it. That’s the secret.

It won’t cost you anything to change your mind. If you’re unhappy at least you’ve got the good fortune to know it. There are people who think misery is all life is. They may never know the truth. How sad is that?

You have already got everything you need to change your life and help others do the same. What you need is already in your heart and head. The force is with you. Use it for good.

Send an email to to ask for the Wattles' book on money. It's free.


Jay Ross.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Decisions, and "The Secret".

Do you make decisions easily? Do you weigh the facts logically and intelligently, choose, then pat yourself and say, “I’m a darn genius.”? “I’m so clever I could kiss me.”

Maybe you have trouble deciding which shoe to put on first. It was the right shoe yesterday so it will have to be the left shoe today, for balance. And naturally the socks follow the alternative routine. Or should they be the same? Oh why is the world so complicated?

You know what I’m getting at. Some things are important and some not worth thinking about. So what is important and how do we decide? What influences our choices?

We can be fooled. In fact, every day somebody is trying to get us to think in a particular way, their way. Do you buy that sugary flavored water called Coke or pay for that tasteless overpriced bun from Macs? You wouldn’t buy it if it was offered by the fat man in the little shop down the road.

You’ve been influenced. Advertising is an art. It’s designed to guide your thinking.

So is any political speech. Manipulation of your mind is what it’s all about. Look for the reality behind everything people say and do.

It’s easy to lay down the guidelines to start thinking for yourself but it takes a lot of thinking to build them into your habit pattern. Even then we’re open to the bug of emotion, but that can work for us too.

In pre-school kids play a game about where to get something. The idea is for the teacher to call out a common item and the youngsters run to the spot marked as that type of store or category, e.g. “hammer” everyone runs to the ‘hardware’ spot. Or is supposed to. The last one to arrive is eliminated and eventually the one remaining is the winner.

What happens? Group psychology takes over. The group follows the leader. You may yell “hammer” and the group runs to the ‘grocery’ spot because the leader did. He was wrong but they followed. Individual decision making was surrendered. That’s very dangerous in social and political situations.

There is no need to remind you of history but maybe there is a need to take a fresh look at world events today. What are you being told? Are you being manipulated? Do you think what you think because of ’follow the group thinking’?

This is very closely associated with ‘peer group pressure’. Teenagers are not the only ones prone to fads. Emulating your peers is how we tend to think, even if it is wrong in another context. We don’t have to join a group to accept group thinking. We are born into groups whether they’re economic, national or geographic.

Be aware of how much of your thinking is based on what your associates think. People who think outside the ‘group think’ are more well balanced in deciding what is best for the group. That’s thinking ‘outside the box’.

Getting stuck in a geographic, economic, career or social mindset has its benefits but a closed mind leads to belief in a system of thoughts that, in another setting would be terribly wrong. Take the atrocities of war and consequent opinions about nationalities as examples.

If you think you’re immune to this check out the Stanford University famous experiment of 1971 where students became “prison guards”. The abuse of “prisoners” caused the whole thing to be stopped. These were ‘normal’ men. What would YOU do? What ARE you doing?

If you want to get further into this, visit

If you find yourself getting angry, keep reading. You’ll see why.

Currently the films “The Secret” and “What the bleep do we know?” are making the rounds. They explain the “Law of Attraction”. Watch it here, "the secret".

You may think this is just another ‘positive thinking’ con or fanciful rubbish but it’s not. This is related to motivation and decision making. And they are right about quantum physics, but it's as much a puzzle as life itself.

The hardest part of any project is to get started. Try to convince someone to do something! People offer all the illogical excuses not to get started. So do we.

When you have that mindset, nothing will happen. When you make the decision to DO something about changing whatever you want changed; it’s more likely to happen. All you need now is a rough plan. Refine it as you go.

You can get out of, or into, the small town, if you make the decision. Start doing something about it. Keep doing it.

You can make more money than you know, if you make the decision to do it. Start trying to make an extra $5 a day, then $10, then $15. Think Rich.

There are over six billion people on this planet. Your perfect partner is there. You won’t find them by complaining about loneliness. Go out - socialize. No excuses.

There are so many examples of people who have dramatically risen above their mere birth status. You’ve heard the stories. You can do it too. That’s why excuses are illogical. They don’t count.

Start small. Aim high. Learn what you need to know and persevere. You’ll learn more. Then when you start to see results, your mindset will be reinforced. That’s when you’re doing it right. Keep going.

Adam Khoo sent me an edress to watch the whole movie but it won't work when coppied. It started Can anyone help?

Enter "the secret" in Google to watch the Oprah show and other short films. DO watch the film "How to Manifest, the secret to creating the life of your dreams." Make a note of his edresses.

I'll include "The Secret of Getting Rich" by Wattles in next weeks' blog. It's free.

YOU ARE IN CONTROL of your life. If you’re in debt it is because you did it or let it happen – same thing. There is an equitable way out of the unhappy relationship, and you can work from home, or achieve inner peace or anything else that is possible. It’s only a matter of taking control and planning.

“The Secret” is a matter of tuning your mind. The radio will only give you static unless you tune it. Your mind is the same. Thoughts are forces just as real as gravity is. The millionaire mindset doesn’t see obstacles. It sees new lessons to learn from.

Tune in. Make that decision. Today IS the first day of the rest of your life.


Wit or Wisdom.

"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns. Why should we let them have ideas?" - Joseph Stalin.


Friday, May 4, 2007

Intelligence only works if...

Thomas Edison was no fool but he was less a genius than you might think. He was doggedly determined, patient, persistent to the point of annoyance, a hard nosed business man, ruthless in cutting down opponents and sucked up to whoever would further his interests. So why call him a genius?

Why call anyone a genius? If they’ve got a high IQ they should be leader of the pack, top dog, king of the hill, breezing through life like a warm spring breeze above the daffodils.

Well you know that isn’t so, so what happened to the IQ genius?

A lot of them got bored with an education system that didn’t recognize them. Others had a home life that prevented their talent from showing. Some had no discipline or drive to achieve anything. Some had big talent in areas they couldn’t access because of life’s direction.

“Yeah, yeah, so what about the ones that do make it; the bright sparks that get to the top?”

As Edison said, “genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration.” He was wrong in the figure but right in the message.

The people who make it big do so because of effort, with some talent thrown in.

You’ve heard of the over-night-success who took 15 years to get there. No talented performer has walked on stage to give a knock out performance without practicing often and refining their art.

No inventor ‘just did it’. It took experiment and perseverance, marketing, contacts, money, waiting, oh so much. Ask any inventor.

To make it to the top, you have to persist, believe, work cleverly, practice, ’know’ you’ll make it, and persist till you do. Talent alone won’t do it!

There are hungry geniuses walking the streets. They’ll never be known. And at the top we get those who applied their talent and learned the skills needed to be able to develop it. You don’t have to be a genius to get all you want. It definitely helps but the effort put behind it is the difference.

Common factors behind the successfully intelligent are

  • their environment
  • a teacher
  • study to a purpose
  • self discipline and
  • persistent effort.

Let’s clarify these to see if you can improve your life with the intelligence you have. You know you can. It’s just a matter of guidance (teacher) and action (effort).

You will get more done in an environment that you’re happy with. Damned obvious, so why do so many people try to study or work in conditions that are hopeless? Noises, interruptions, lack of space, tension, all kill your output. Do something about it.

Tell everybody what you’re doing and why, then set some rules. Don’t accept phone calls after a certain hour. Close the door, buy a latch, go to a friends’ house. Rent someone’s garage. Get the right environment.

Your purpose is to win the prize, top the class, fulfill your dream, be self employed, own your home, have a million dollars, or write songs, your call. Whatever you do; there’s a purpose, a goal behind it. Even when you go out to play, there is purpose.

Be sure of your purpose. Make it your consuming interest, your intent, your great reason. You have to be dedicated to the task. Live it. Write and repeat affirmations to help. Carry a notebook for those illuminated thoughts that come unexpectedly in times when you relax. Relaxation time after effort is when your subconscious gives you answers. Be ready. Work toward your goal. It should be constantly in mind.

Self discipline comes with the amount of dedication you have in your purpose. If you believe in your goal and ability to get there, you’ll settle into a regimen of regular times and courses of action to get there.

Your teacher is an outside observer to remind and guide you, prompt and reinforce, help keep you on track. Your information comes from your teacher and anybody else who knows what you don’t. Your teachers are everywhere. The net is your library.

It’s amazing what single mindedness can achieve. A calm determination without stress is the right attitude. Stress or worry only confuses your progress. Treat every obstacle as a minor detail to be dealt with. Obstacles are further opportunities to learn. Deal with them kindly, knowing you are the master. Obstacles are clever but their secrets will make you stronger.

Genius, intelligence, natural ability, all need direction and refinement, and this means effort to get the best from your talents.

Housekeeping Dept. Not this week.

Wit Or Wisdom.

Once again from the Massachusetts Bar Association Lawyer's Journal (I haven't checked this. It was sent to me as a floating net piece.)
  • 5. "Was it you or your younger brother who was killed in the war?"

  • 6. "Did he kill you?"

7 "How far apart were the vehicles at the time of collision?"

  • 8. "You were there until the time you left, is that true?"

  • 9. "How many times have you committed suicide?"

  • 10.Q: "So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?"
  • A: "Yes."
  • Q: "And what were you doing at that time?"

Q: "She had three children, right?"
A: "Yes."
Q: "How many were boys?"
A: "None."
Q: "Were there any girls?"

Q: "You say the stairs went down to the basement?"
A: "Yes."
Q: "And these stairs, did they go up also?"

Q: "Mr. Slatery, you went on a rather elaborate honeymoon,
didn't' t you?"
A: "We went to Europe, sir."
Q: "And you took your new wife?"

Q: "How was your first marriage terminated?"
A: "By death."
Q: "And by who's death was it terminated?"

Q: "Can you describe the individual?"
A: "He was about medium height and had a beard."
Q: "Was this a male or a female?"

Q: "Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a
deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?"
A: "No, this is how I dress when I go to work."

Q: "Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead
A: "All my autopsies are performed on dead people."


Q: "All your responses must be oral, okay? What school did
you go to?"
A: "Oral."

Q: "Do you recall the time you examined the body?"
A: "The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.."
Q: "And Mr. Dennington was dead at the time?"
A: "No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was
doing an autopsy."

Q: "You were not shot in the fracas?"
A: "No, I was shot midway between the fracas and the navel."

Q: "Are you qualified to give a urine sample?"
A: "I have been since early childhood."

Be good to each other, Jay Ross.