Saturday, March 17, 2007

IQ Adult is about extending your mind.

"I'll always remember what's her name." How many of us have done that?
Memory lapses are so common, but most people don't know that the memory can be improved with some very simple exercises.

The mind responds to training just like muscles do, only it's more fun. Could you remember 100 unrelated nouns in order, backwards and forwards or from any place in between? Impossible? You will in a few moments. Read these words;

man, tree, swimming pool, elephant, sandwich, briefcase, kettle, dollar, map, hat, nose, bus, fish, rope, moon, train, rain, egg, door, spaghetti, ball, shoe, brain, comb, poem.

Look away and repeat them. Now. Yes, now. Most people will get less than six.

The magic is in association and vividness. Associate 'man' and 'tree' in a silly graphic fashion. See a tree growing men like leaves, make them naked if you want, or a man frantically trying to get a tree off his back. Visualize this with action, movement and make it silly. Nobody is looking inside your brain so let imagination run free. Next, link 'tree' and 'pool'. See a tree taking a swim in a pool. Don't bother remembering 'man'. That's taken care of.

Now leave 'tree'. Go to a tiny 'pool' with an 'elephant' leaping into it. See the huge splash. Forget 'pool'. Think of an 'elephant sandwich'. Make it funny. Spend a little time doing these associations. They'll happen faster as you practice. Next is a business man carrying a 'sandwich' instead of a 'briefcase'. He opens it to take out a steaming 'kettle' (see the steam) that pours 'dollars'.

It's ok to use a story but if it ends without going anywhere, just leave it and go on with the last word association. Instead of 'dollars', people could be paying you in 'maps' which you make into a very fancy 'hat'. Women are wearing 'hats' shaped like 'noses'. It's the latest craze. See them.

Continue this with all the words but only two at a time. Leave the previous words. There's no need to think of them. They're already remembered.

When you've finished, write them down. 'Man' was the first.

Now you'll find you can easily recite them backward or from any place in between. Get a friend to test you. Amazing? You can remember 100 words in the same way. All you're doing is taking two words at a time. Review this tomorrow, in your head, and you've got them for a long time.

Now for the hard part. People learn this and don't use it. Crazy. Remember your shopping list; your study keywords; any list of words. As you keep doing it, it will become second nature.


  • Email me at Put "names" in the subject line.
  • This is a free report.
PUZZLE. John has lived a third of his life in England, then a sixth of it in the USA, and twelve years in Japan. He then spent half the remainder of his time in Australia and the same amount of time as in the USA, in Africa.
Where was he on his 40th birthday? Answer next week.

Think about it.
Jay Ross.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memory pages but it could have been longer. When are you going to settle into one topic?