IQ Adult is about enlarging your mind.
Hello and welcome,
Here I want to discuss how we can improve mental abilities
- to operate smarter
- with more confidence
- to see things afresh
- to learn quicker, and tricks to learning
- to help our brain and therefore mind
- get rid of sloppy thinking.
Your input is what I'm interested in. I want to both learn and teach.
If you're a genius or member of Mensa or involved with teaching or research into intelligence, even if you're a student who wants to get away from caffeine as a study aid; you're welcome.
If you're involved in mental health or wellbeing, let us know your opinion.
Let's not make this a stale academic site. We learn a lot through humor, and clever jokes are appreciated. Try to keep the average reader involved. Please don't use 8 syllable words when simpler ones will do the job.
We don't want to hear about orthotetrachidecahedrons when you're describing beer bubbles.
The purpose of language is communication. If you want to get your message across learn how to express yourself properly. It's an aid to understanding as well. The dictionary is a friend.
The USA. in particular has let its teaching of spelling and word usage slide to annoying depths. Marketers use "your" and "you're", "its" and "it's", or "then" and "than" indiscriminately; leave off plurals, use "gonna, wanna", non-sense sentences and just don't care.
Maybe they don't know any different because their teachers are semi literate too. Here in Australia it's gone the same way.
I've had kids say "He swimed ofa" (He swam over.), TV presenters are constantly saying things like "tooa" instead of "tour". A year eleven student wanted my calculator to add $1.65 and $1.10 ! What are they being taught?
Here, the education authorities have started separating the brighter students to give them faster more ambitious programs to satisfy their thirst for knowledge. But there are people who knock the system on the grounds that it may make the students feel superior to their less gifted friends! What? They are superior!
Maybe they'd go on to be teachers if they were paid enough.
I get pissed off when I see talent left to die. OK. That's my little rant.
Back to writing and communicating; yes, typo's happen but if you want to be taken seriously at least seem competent.
C'mon, let's start.
You've probably heard about Ginkgo. or more precisely Ginkgo biloba, as a memory enhancer,
aid to concentration, scavenger of free radicals, friend of white blood cells to combat infection, and generally increase physical and mental wellbeing. It's been marketed as a study aid because it increases blood flow to the brain.
The increase in blood flow also helps lessen impotence ( a stronger erection, gents ) and the chance of minor heart strokes. Tinnitus, ringing in the ears, is thought to be a symptom of poor circulation and Ginko biloba has been effective in minimizing the effect. It's a powerful antioxidant so there is benefit all round.
I've used it for memory and concentration and thought I was better for it. A friend who used it said he found a definite improvement with concentration (hello Bert). It needs 4-5 weeks to do its job. It has no down-side like alcohol or coffee. Many students take it as a 'done thing'. It's part of breakfast or dinner.
Have a look at what google has here.
Ginkgo does increase blood flow by thinning the blood, which is good for the brain, but that's not the only way to increase blood flow. Running 'on the spot' or any form of exercise will do it too and be of more benefit physically than popping a pill. Regular breaks from a task will help keep on track.
People selling alternatives say Ginkgo has no effect when the blood flow is normal. This 'report' (sales blurb) I'm looking at mentions an allergy medicine that causes memory loss, and a relaxation technique that helps memory. It won't say what these are because it wants to sell the book about it.
Q. Does anybody know of this allergy medicine or other pharmacy products that dull the brain?
Arrrgh, I'm going to be deluged with product names - good. We'll make a list of ones to avoid.
There are plenty of breathing exercises to help.
OK, so if you want to try it; buy some from the local store. It won't do you harm. Follow the guide on the bottle and do not take more than 4.5 grams per day. I don't know of any adverse reactions but overdoing anything is dangerous.
Ginkgo biloba ( F. Ginkgoacae ) is a tree dating from dinosaur age. The leaves look like maidenhair fern, quite pretty. But it's not recommended for built up areas because of its size and the bad smell of the fruit. Cooked seeds can be eaten but no more than 8 per day. This can cause diarrhea and nausea but it's unlikely that you'll find a tree in everyday encounters.
Just a little about the title "IQ Adult"; the IQ test is not a complete test of intelligence. It has faults, but it was chosen as a part of the title because of its perception by the public, and the fact that so many other names I thought of, were unavailable. It serves the purpose.
On a quiz show, a member of Mensa lost badly. The host commented sarcastically about Mensa but the reply was, "Mensa measures intelligence, not memory."
Here we will teach you memory skills too. IQ tests rely heavily on relationships and similarities between things. Seeing these relationships can be taught too, so in theory, you should increase your IQ score. In any case, the recognition of similarities has led to many great inventions (the biro) and discoveries that have made the world and their discoverers far richer.
Deduction is another aspect we need to look into. A lot of people can see logic in
If A = B, and C = B, then A = C, because they are both equal. So let's put it another way. If horses are quadrupeds, and cows are quadrupeds, then horses are cows.
It's school child logic but sadly 'the masses', including you and I are easily fooled by speakers or writers who are either fooling themselves or intentionally trying to fool us for a sinister or selfish end. We need only look at politics or any emotive issue.
Stay tuned and you'll be better equipped to see that soon.
This is the very first issue of my very first blog so I'll keep it short. Please tell a friend, or twenty, about it and watch the baby grow. I'm excited.
Have you used Ginko, are you using it, or do you want to?
Does somebody know how to squish these boxes closer?
By the way,"edres" or "edress" is "e-mail address".
So much easier.
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